Welcome to HaThaNi´s World

I mainly share all my done projects here, be it knit or crocheted stuff, sometimes things I did with fabric or crafted stuff I did with my kids.

Mostly it is dedicated to my mum, grandma and dad who are quite proud of those finished objects.

Hopefully you will enjoy it and get lots of ideas for your own projects.

I tried linking the patterns I used but I am not responsible for the content of other websites.

Samstag, 28. Juli 2012

Here now our start for the autumn season, tracksuit bottoms for my little pirate:

I went on a shopping spree (online, as usual) and got some fabric "scraps":

Sonntag, 22. Juli 2012

So, Saturday nights always give me some time to do stuff:

Here a trousers mix, the small one made with a pattern of Lillesol & Pelle and the grown up sized one made with a basic burda pattern.

Samstag, 21. Juli 2012

I am back

So, after a long long time of doing nothing I am back again. Sadly I am not allowed knitting and crocheting anymore due to problems with my hands. So I am improving my dressmaking skills - well, trying to at least. Victim is my little daughter who has to wear the stuff I do. I love little dresses and trousers, you get to finish them even quicker that big, normal sized dresses.

So here we go:

A dress/shirt for my daughter - my first attempt of pimping it up with lace...

A shirt matching the trousers I made last year :)

 A dress for my mum, a picture of her wearing the final will be posted soon.
 A little bell bottom trousers for my daughter, I love the wrap style, it always stays where it should.
 A little piece of art: I hid the scratches on the table under the vinyl tattoos :)
 And a little set for my daughter, to be worn in a few weeks, still a bit too large but I had to do something with the scrap fabric, hadn't I :D